Educators are innovators.

The Academy for Creating Excellence (ACE) is built upon the premise of serving the traditionally under served students in our academic and social system.
ACE Atlanta currently serves in the Atlanta Metro region.


The vision of the Academy for Creating Excellence (ACE) is to educate and embolden the innate excellence in all of us.


The mission of ACE Atlanta is to provide a holistic education that results in our young men leading lives of dignity, leadership, love and service.



The purpose of The Academy for Creating Excellence (ACE) is to educate, encourage and explore the excellence in all of us. ACE will operate an all male middle school in Atlanta, drawing from a multi-district cluster centering on a commitment to culturally relevant  literacy, project-based learning and social emotional character development. Our approach is designed to provide students with the knowledge and 21st Century skills to make informed decisions leading to our definition of post secondary success: knowledge of self, knowledge of others, and entering into the global community as leaders, learners, scholars, and citizens.

Our Values (F.A.M.E.)


We are all intentionally interconnected to each other, I am not my brothers keeper, I am my brothers, brother!


The acquisition of knowledge and critical thought that is displayed in an authentic and dynamic manner, across multiple modalities.


A deep knowledge of self and others that supports the understanding of who, what or how people are driven to be the best versions of themselves.


Our greatest contribution is in service to something greater than ourselves, community. A thorough understanding of local community, national community and global community.

Our Curriculum

ACE utilizes 3 academic pillars to guide our curriculum

Project Based Learning

Project Based Learning is an instructional approach that encourages students to learn and apply knowledge and skills through an engaging experience. PBL presents opportunities for deeper learning in-context and for the development of important skills tied to post secondary success and readiness.

Culturally Relevant Literacy

Culturally Relevant Literacy is instruction that bridges the gap between the school and the world of the student, is consistent with the values of the students’ own culture aimed at ensuring academic learning, and encourages teachers to adapt their instruction to meet the learning needs of all students.

Dignity Based Social Emotional Learning

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. ACE furthers this notion through a dignity based lens, which centers dignity and love at the core of our philosophy in all that we do.

Who we serve

ACE is a proposed charter model that will begin operation in the Fall of 2021. ACE is a single gender school, serving young men, specifically young men who have historically been the furthest away from educational justice & opportunity. ACE will enroll 5th & 6th grade young men beginning in 2021 and will grow by a grade each year after, becoming fully enrolled in 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th by Fall of 2023.